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Introduction to Databases, SQL, and MySQL
Welcome to SQL (0:26)
Welcome to the Course
Why SQL (3:17)
Why MySQL (1:57)
Introduction to Databases (4:44)
SQL Theory
SQL as a declarative language (2:10)
Data Definition Language (DDL) (4:12)
SQL Keywords (1:12)
Data Manipulation Language (DML) (4:55)
Data Control Language (DCL) (5:03)
Transaction Control Language (TCL) (3:02)
Basic Database Terminology
Relational Database Essentials (4:51)
Databases vs spreadsheets (7:05)
Database Terminology (4:17)
Relational Schemas: Primary Key (4:55)
Foreign Key (4:58)
Unique Key and Null Values (3:07)
Relationships (4:39)
Installing MySQL and Getting Acquainted with the Interface
Installing MySQL (10:48)
Installing MySQL on macOS and Unix Systems
Additional note – Installing – Visual C
The Client-Server Model
Setting Up a Connection (2:34)
New Authentication Plugin - Creating a New User (6:18)
Introduction to the MySQL Interface (5:09)
First Steps in SQL
Creating a Database - Part I (5:12)
Creating a Database - Part I - solution
Creating a Database - Part II (2:21)
Creating a Database - Part II - solution
Introduction to Data Types (2:16)
String Data Types (5:01)
Integers (4:10)
Fixed and Floating-Point Data Types (5:43)
Other Useful Data Types (6:12)
Creating a Table (5:16)
Creating a table - solution
Using Databases and Tables (3:03)
Using databases and tables - solution
Additional Notes on Using Tables (2:12)
MySQL Constraints
PRIMARY KEY Constraint (5:23)
PRIMARY KEY Constraint - Solution
FOREIGN KEY Constraint - Part I (5:25)
FOREIGN KEY Constraint - Part II (5:26)
FOREIGN KEY constraint - Part II - solution
UNIQUE Constraint (5:00)
DEFAULT Constraint (5:24)
DEFAULT Contstraint - solution
NOT NULL Constraint - Part I (5:53)
NOT NULL Constraint - Part I - solution
NOT NULL Constraint - Part II (1:59)
SQL Best Practices
Coding Techniques and Best Practices - Part I (5:34)
Coding Techniques and Best Practices - Part II (4:11)
Loading the Data
Loading the 'employees' Database (2:19)
Loading the 'employees' Database
SELECT… FROM… (4:57)
SELECT - FROM - solution
WHERE (2:30)
WHERE - solution
AND (2:14)
AND - solution
OR (3:35)
OR - solution
Operator Precedence (3:34)
Operator precedence - solution
IN - NOT IN (3:12)
IN - NOT IN - solution 1
IN - NOT IN - solution 2
LIKE - NOT LIKE (3:36)
LIKE - NOT LIKE - solution
Wildcard Characters (1:44)
Wildcard characters - solution
BETWEEN… AND… (2:19)
BETWEEN... AND... solution
IS NOT NULL - IS NULL - solution
Other Comparison Operators (4:30)
Other comparison operators - solution
ORDER BY (3:46)
ORDER BY - solution
Introduction to Aggregate Functions (5:24)
Introduction to aggregate functions - solution
GROUP BY (6:00)
Using Aliases (AS) (2:08)
Using Aliases (AS) - solution
HAVING (3:26)
HAVING - solution
WHERE vs HAVING - Part I (4:03)
WHERE vs HAVING - Part II (3:08)
WHERE vs HAVING - Part II - solution
LIMIT (4:51)
LIMIT - solution
SQL INSERT Statement
The INSERT Statement - Part I (6:04)
The INSERT Statement - Part II (2:19)
The INSERT Statement - exercise 1
The INSERT statement - solution 1
The INSERT Statement - exercise 2
The INSERT statement - solution 2
Inserting Data INTO a New Table (3:55)
Inserting Data INTO a New Table - solution
SQL UPDATE Statement
The UPDATE Statement- Part I (3:17)
The UPDATE Statement- Part II (2:55)
The UPDATE Statement – Part II - solution
SQL DELETE Statement
The DELETE Statement - Part I (4:14)
The DELETE Statement - Part II (1:29)
The DELETE Statement – Part II - solution
MySQL Aggregate Functions
COUNT() (4:01)
COUNT() - solution
SUM() (1:30)
SUM() - solution
MIN() and MAX() (1:15)
MIN() and MAX() - solution
AVG() (1:58)
AVG() - solution
ROUND() (2:06)
ROUND() - solution
COALESCE() - Preamble
IFNULL() and COALESCE() (6:24)
Another Example of Using COALESCE() (1:36)
Another example of using COALESCE() - solution 1
Another example of using COALESCE() - solution 2
Introduction to JOINs (4:23)
Important – Prevent Error Code: 1055!
Intro to JOINs - solution 1
INNER JOIN - Part I (6:02)
INNER JOIN - Part II (5:33)
INNER JOIN - Part II - solution
A Note on Using Joins (4:09)
Duplicate Records (4:21)
LEFT JOIN - Part I (4:31)
LEFT JOIN - Part II (5:46)
LEFT JOIN - Part II - solution
The New and the Old Join Syntax (4:17)
The new and the old join syntax - solution
JOIN and WHERE Used Together (2:53)
JOIN and WHERE Used Together - solution
CROSS JOIN - solution 1
CROSS JOIN - solution 2
Using Aggregate Functions with JOINs (2:17)
JOIN more than Two Tables in SQL (4:26)
Join more than two tables in SQL - solution
Tips and Tricks for JOINs (5:39)
Tips and tricks for joins - solution
UNION vs UNION ALL - solution
SQL Subqueries
SQL Subqueries with IN nested inside WHERE (4:31)
SQL Subqueries with IN nested inside WHERE - solution
SQL Subqueries with EXISTS-NOT EXISTS nested inside WHERE (3:42)
SQL Subqueries with EXISTS-NOT EXISTS nested inside WHERE - solution
SQL Subqueries nested in SELECT and FROM (7:56)
SQL Subqueries nested in SELECT and FROM - solution 1
SQL Subqueries nested in SELECT and FROM - solution 2
SQL Self Join
SQL self join (7:44)
SQL Views
Using SQL views (7:12)
Views - solution
Stored Routines
Introduction to Stored Routines (3:25)
The MySQL Syntax for Stored Procedures (4:32)
Stored Procedures - Example - Part I (2:45)
Stored Procedures - Example - Part II (4:48)
Stored procedures - Example - Part II - solution
Another Way to Create a Procedure in MySQL (3:19)
Stored Procedures with an Input Parameter (6:29)
Stored Procedures with an Output Parameter (3:19)
Stored procedures with an output parameter - solution
Variables (6:50)
Variables - solution
User-Defined Functions in MySQL (6:14)
Error Code: 1418.
User-defined functions in MySQL - solution
Stored Routines - Conclusion (3:55)
Advanced SQL Topics
Types of MySQL Variables - Local Variables (4:56)
Session Variables (5:21)
Global Variables (2:18)
User-Defined vs System Variables (4:12)
MySQL Triggers
MySQL Triggers - solution
MySQL Indexes (7:27)
MySQL Indexes - solution 1
MySQL Indexes - solution 2
The CASE Statement (5:57)
The CASE Statement - solution 1
The CASE Statement - solution 2
The CASE Statement - solution 3
Installing MySQL on macOS and Unix Systems
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