This is a free preview of our 'SQL' course.

SQL is one of the fundamental programming languages you need to learn to work with databases. When you are a data scientist in a company and you need data to perform your analysis, you usually have two options: extract it on your own or contact the IT team. Of course, the first one is an extremely valuable skill to have. In this course, we will teach you everything you need to know in terms of database management and creating SQL queries.

Course Curriculum

  Loading the Data
Available in days
days after you enroll
  SQL Self Join
Available in days
days after you enroll
  SQL Views
Available in days
days after you enroll

Your Instructor

365 Data Science
365 Data Science
We create online on-demand video courses in data science. The 365 Data Science Program is comprised of different modules starting from the fundamentals (Mathematics, Probability, and Statistics), going through programming languages (Python, R, SQL) and finishing off with state-of-the-art machine and deep learning.
We have a team of experts that create the curriculum and the course content, who work closely with our talented designers to bring the concepts to life in the most engaging and understandable way using specialized animation software. We strive to make the learning experience not only all-inclusive, detailed, and thorough, but also interactive, practical, and fun.

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